Friday, July 31, 2015

Grumpy vs. Grateful

Be Empowered by Today's Nugget...The word "got" vs. the word "get" is similar, yet can totally mean the difference between GRUMPINESS vs. GRATEFULNESS. Think about these statements...I "got" to go to church vs I "get" to go to church. I "got" to go to work vs. I "get" to go to work. I "got" to exercise vs. I "get" to exercise. And the list goes on. These three tiny words can make you sound "grumpy" or "grateful", so watch how you use them! #begrateful, #drbnugget 

Thursday, July 30, 2015

A Dose of Encouragement

Be Empowered by Today's Nugget...I've heard it said that encouragement is "oxygen to the soul." Have you ever felt discouraged or broken and suddenly someone's words of encouragement lifted your sprit? At times, we all need a dose of encouragement. It gives us strength for our journey through life's roadblocks and setbacks. The best way to ensure that you'll get a dose of encouragement when YOU need it is to give a dose to OTHERS when they need it. #encouragesomebody, #drbnugget

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The Fragrance of Humility

Be Empowered by Today's Nugget...Whenever I wear my favorite perfume, I always get comments like, "Your perfume smells so good, what is that?" I believe that's how the aroma of humility smells. In the braggadocios world we live in today, there's just something so refreshing about a person with a  humble spirit. Col. 3:12 says  "clothe yourselves in kindness, humility and gentleness."James 4:10 adds, "humble yourselves before God and He will lift you up." So, If you want to be honored by God, make a habit of wearing the "fragrance" of WILL be noticed. #behumble, #drbnugget, 

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

The Dichotomy of Prayer

Be Empowered by Today's Nugget...Prayer is powerful...but ONLY when you really BELIEVE in its power.  Have you ever said?..." I've done everything I could do ...all I can do now is just pray." This makes prayer sound more like a "last ditch effort" rather than the first and foremost thing to do. The dichotomy of prayer is that many times in life it is the ONLY thing you can do and at the same time, the most POWERFUL thing you can do! Remember that the next time you stop to pray! #prayerworks, #drbnugget

Monday, July 27, 2015

Keep HOPE Alive

Be Empowered by Today's Nugget...Waking up each day with "hope" is like taking a daily B12 shot. Proverbs 13:12 declares, "Hope deferred makes the heart sick." Did you know the absence of hope can make your heart sick with depression, worry, fear, etc.? Hope gives you a reason to BELIEVE and a strength to ENDURE. Hope is to the body what gas is to a keeps you going! So, no matter what, never lose hope!  HOPE is Holding On Praying Expectantly! Civil Rights leader Jesse Jackson was right when he coined the phrase, "KEEP HOPE ALIVE!"

Friday, July 24, 2015

Premium Faith

Be Empowered by Today's Nugget...Life is about seasons, so if you happen to be in a season of financial drought right now, "hold fast to your profession of faith without wavering because He who promised is FAITHFUL." As your FUNDS run low, make sure your FAITH runs high! In fact, even though your funds may be running on "regular", make sure your faith keeps running on "premium!" SPEAK FAITH by declaring..."My God shall supply all of  MY need, according to HIS riches in glory by Christ Jesus!" That's the PREMIUM faith that WIIL MOVE GOD! #premium faith, #moneycometh, #empoweredbydrb

Thursday, July 23, 2015

The Force of Fear vs. Faith

Be Empowered by Today's Nugget..From the moment you awake  each day, you have the power to choose which force will dominate your life...FEAR or FAITH! Fear is associated with panic, dread and distress. Faith is associated with confidence, belief and trust! Fear expects the WORST. Faith expects the BEST! FEAR can mean False Evidence Appearing Real or Forget Everything And Run. But, FAITH can mean Forsaking All I Trust Him or For Anything Impossible Trust Him! Remember, "God does not give you a spirit of fear, but power, love and a sound mind"...a mind to let the force of FAITH dominate your life! #nofear, #faith, #empoweredbydrb

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

No Offense!

Be Empowered by Today's Nugget....A deceptively dangerous word is OFFENDED. It means being resentful, hurt, upset, irritated or aggrieved as a result of feeling insulted. Do you know someone who is easily offended? Some people even take pride in being offended with statements like, "One thing that offends me is...!" This is  a cheap trick of the enemy to "steal, kill and destroy" peace, joy and most of, relationships! Psalm 119:165 declares, "Great peace have they which love thy law (God's Word) and NOTHING shall offend them." The next time you're tempted to get offended about ANYTHING, remember this scripture! #notoffended, #empoweredbydrb, #keepingnypeace

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Courage is a Beautiful Thing

Be Empowered by Today's Nugget...Courage is the ability to face a difficult or uncertain situation without fear. Do you need to tap into the reservoir of courage lying within you? If so, just take hold of the PROMISE of God's Word in Joshua 1:9, "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." The good news is that God is with you every step of the way! Let this promise not only give you COURAGE, but let it also give you COMFORT! #nofear, #empowermentbydrb, #havecourage

Monday, July 20, 2015

Remember the CROSS

Be Empowered by Today's Nugget...Even though it is not Easter or as others now call it, Resurrection Sunday, it is more important than ever to remember the POWER of The CROSS! Some are offended by the Cross and are now quietly, yet fervently pushing to have Crosses removed from public places. However, I believe those who reject it are the very ones who need it the most! What is the "it" power of the Cross?...FORGIVENESS, REDEMPTION, HEALING, RESTORATION, DELIVERANCE and most of all LOVE!  With a 12 foot Cross constructed in the ground of my backyard, I am reminded daily of its power!  You may not have one in YOUR yard, but, If you're HURTING today, remember the "IT" POWER of the CROSS! #thecross, #empowerementbydrb, #notashamed

Sunday, July 19, 2015

No Greater Love

Be Empowered by Today's Nugget...Whether you have thousands of Facebook friends or only a few "real" friends, how many do you honestly think would take a "beat down" to the point of death for you? John 15:13 declares, "No greater love hath any man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." Over 2,000 years ago, the world's greatest friend, JESUS CHRIST, laid down HIS life so that you and I could "HAVE life and have it more ABUNDANTLY!" By the way, you don't have to add Him to your friends list because you've already been on HIS friends list over 2,000 years! ......If you LIKE message, please SHARE it. #nogreaterlove, #worldsgreatestfriend, #beempoweredbydrb 

Friday, July 17, 2015

Put Some "Honey" in Your Tone

Be Empowered by Today's Nugget... You've heard the adage, "it's not WHAT you say, but HOW you say it." This is definitely why we sometimes have communication issues in our relationships. Just like its hard to listen to someone sing in the wrong KEY, it's just as hard to listen to someone talk in the wrong TONE! Proverbs 15:1 says, "A soft answer turns away anger"...and Proverbs 18:24 adds, "Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and health to the bones." So, if you want others to listen to you, always put some "HONEY"in your tone! #honeybaby, #empowerment, #drbempowers, #dailynugget

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Before You Speak...THINK!

Be Empowered by Today's Nugget...Ephesians 4:29 declares, "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." So, before you SPEAK, here are 5 simple yet powerful questions to THINK...T-is it true? H-is it helpful? I-is it inspiring? N-is it necessary? K-is it kind?...A LITTLE formula that can make a BIG difference! #empowerment, #drbdailynugget, #thinkbeforeyouspeak 

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Chipped but Chosen

Be Empowered by Today's Nugget...I heard it once said that the world cannot DEFINE you because the world did not DESIGN you! You were not born to fit into a mold because the mold was broken when you were born. Even if you've ever felt broken, damaged, cracked or are still CHOSEN! There will never be another you! And NO ONE can beat you at being you! So use your God-given gifts to leave your mark on the world. 

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Are Your Employed or Unemployed?

Be Empowered by Today's Nugget...If you believe in God then you should believe in angels because Hebrews 1:14 declares that "they are ministering spirits sent forth to minister on behalf of believers." But, here's my question...Are your angels EMPLOYED or UNEMPLOYED? Psalm 103:20 reminds us that angels are released from heaven to work for you whenever they hear you "speaking life" by declaring the promises of God out of your mouth! This is how you "employ" them. Speaking doubt, fear, worry, etc. not only keeps your angels "unemployed" but instead, releases demonic forces to work against you. So, WATCH YOUR WORDS! And, if you want to keep your angels employed, no matter what, keep speaking life! #empowerment, #empowermentbydrb, #angels, #speaklife

Monday, July 13, 2015

True Power of Spoken Words

Be Empowered by Today's Nugget...The phrase "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me" is a lie! The truth is that sticks and stones may break your bones, but words can break your spirit. Spoken words have the power to build up or tear down, heal or kill, inspire dreams or crush dreams. But, you have the power to instantly dissipate and cancel these destructive words intended to hurt or break you. How? By opening your mouth to boldly declare four powerful words..."I DON'T RECEIVE THAT!" Or you can say one word with four syllables..."ONRECEIVEDAT!" Either way gives you the supernatural power to stop negativity in its tracks! #sticksandstones, #empowerment, #empowermentbydrb, #powerofwords

Friday, July 10, 2015

Bouncing Back from Disappointment

Be Empowered by Today's Nugget...Life can sometimes feel like a box of chocolate laced with ex lax, sweet one minute and "working you" the next minute. That's what  disappointment is ...the feeling of sadness or displeasure when something you were excited about or hoping for does not happen. Well, on yesterday, I experienced a big disappointment and all the feelings that come with it. Then I was reminded of a powerful sermon I recently heard on RESILIENCE, " the ability to bounce back." And the strength to bounce back is in knowing that "weeping endures for a night, but joy comes in the morning."  #empowerment , #joy, #overcomingdissapintment

Thursday, July 9, 2015

When Grace is Lifting

Be Empowered by Today's Nugget...Are you at a place in your life where some things are being uprooted or revealed to you that you didn't know? Do you sense a separation from those very things you once held close to your heart?...your job, church, title, associations, that relationship, etc. Remember, "to everything there is a season." So, if you're experiencing a shake up in any of these areas, be ENCOURAGED because here's the good just means that  "GRACE is LIFTING because GOD is SHIFTING!" Friends, that'll preach if I have to say so myself!! #empowerment, #drbempowers, #grace, #encouragement, #graceislifting, #newseason

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

An Attitude of Gratitude

Be Empowered by Today's Nugget...Do you want to experience having people really "go out of their way" to bless you or to help you with something? Here's the secret...GRATITUDE! It is the quality of being thankful or the expression of appreciation. No one wants to do anything for somebody who is UNGRATEFUL and UNAPPRECIATIVE. But, there's just something special about displaying a sincere "ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE" that causes people to want to bless you even the more! #empowerment, #beempoweredbydrb, #positiveattitude, #gratitude

The "Package"

Be Empowered by Today's Nugget...On Monday of this week at 7:23am I received a text   that a "package" was underneath my doormat. In case you're wondering....yes, this "package" was really a surprise check left by a dear friend who has a true giving spirit! Do you remember my nugget a few days ago about having "expectation" that something good is gonna happen? Well, you should try works! 

Monday, July 6, 2015

Sow Good Seeds & Reap a Good Harvest

Be Empowered by Today's Nugget...Gal. 6:7 reminds us that "whatsoever a man sows, that shall he reap." The key word is "whatsoever" which means the good, great, bad or ugly. So, be mindful that just like a farmer, you're sowing seeds everyday with your mouth, money, attitude and actions. Remember to consciously sow "good-to-great" seeds so you can reap a good to great  harvest! 

Sunday, July 5, 2015

The Power of Expectation!

Be Empowered by Today's Nugget...A powerful word that can cause doors to open, checks to come, promotion to take place, favor to be granted, and so much the word EXPECTATION! It means having confident anticipation that SOMETHING GOOD is going to happen! Too many people live in FEAR, expecting something "bad." But, FAITH is always expecting something "good." Remember, we get what we expect. So, start declaring, "I'm expecting something GOOD to happen to me today!" #expectsomethinggood, #fearvsfaith, #expectation, #beempoweredbydrb